






生年月日 1996-12-12 (26)
身長 160cm
サイズ B: 90 (H) W: 56 H: 85
趣味 麻雀、サウナ
Twitter sarina_momonaga
Instagram momo_sari12/








また写真集は大ボリュームの【A4サイズ 112ページ】を予定しています!(変更の可能性はあるのでご理解ください!)









For support from overseas
Membership registration is required. 
The ¥10,000 Plan and the ¥16,000 Plan both require a flat-rate shipping fee of ¥5,000.

※問い合わせに付きましてはマイページからお願い致します。 それ以外につきましてはお受付致しかねます。
For inquiries, please use your My Page. We are unable to accept any other requests.


■1,000円 【返礼なし応援プラン】


No Return Gift Support Plan:
・This plan is for support only.
・Please note that this plan does not include any return gifts.


Thank-You Video Message Plan with the User's Name:
・Thank-You Video Message with the User's Name
・Behind-the-scene photos x3 (digital copy)
(An email will be sent to your My Page.)
(This plan does not include a photo book.)


Limited Edition Cover Photo Book Plan:
・Thank-You Video Message with the User's Name
・Behind-the-scene photos x3 (digital copy)
(An email will be sent to your My Page.)
・1 Limited Edition Cover Photo Book
・1 Signed Polaroid
(Shipment Fee of ¥5,000 in addition will be needed)



Signed Exclusive Photo book & Name Credit Plan:
・Thank-You Video Message with the User's Name
・Behind-the-scene photos x3 (digital copy)
(An email will be sent to your My Page.)
・1 Limited Edition Cover Photo Book
・1 Signed Polaroid
・Backer’s name will be credited as special thanks
(Shipment Fee of ¥5,000 in addition will be needed)


・お渡し会にご招待(1月or2月の土日 都内)

Photo Book Delivery Event Plan (Includes 2-Shot Photo and Individual Photo Session):
・Thank-You Video Message with the User's Name
・Behind-the-scene photos x5 (digital copy)
(An email will be sent to your My Page.)
・1 Limited Edition Cover Photo Book
・1 Signed Polaroid
・Backer’s name will be credited as special thanks
・Invitation to the Delivery Event(A weekend in either January or February 2025, in Tokyo)
・At the venue, you'll receive a signed photo book, a 2-shot photo, and a 15-second individual photo session.
(Please note that there will be no interpreter at the venue on the day, so we ask for the attention of supporters coming from overseas.)
(For overseas supporters who cannot attend the handing-over event, an additional shipping fee of 5,000 yen for the photo book will be required.)


・お渡し会へご招待(1月or2月の土日 都内)

Unpublished Photo A1 Size Poster Giveaway Plan:
・Thank-You Video Message with the User's Name
・Behind-the-scene photos x5 (digital copy)
(An email will be sent to your My Page.)
・1 Limited Edition Cover Photo Book
・1 Signed Polaroid
・Backer’s name will be credited as special thanks
・Invitation to the Delivery Event(A weekend in either January or February 2025, in Tokyo)
・At the venue, you'll receive a signed photo book, a 2-shot photo, and a 15-second individual photo session.
(Please note that there will be no interpreter at the venue on the day, so we ask for the attention of supporters coming from overseas.)
・Choose 1 out of 5 unpublished photos to be made into an A1 size poster and receive it as a gift.
(We will ask you later which photo you would like to have published.)
(For overseas supporters who cannot attend the handing-over event, an additional shipping fee of 5,000 yen for the photo book will be required. Please note that we cannot ship the posters overseas, so only the photo book will be sent.)

■40,000円 限定10名様【生声&サイン入り目覚まし時計プラン】
・お渡し会へご招待(1月or2月の土日 都内)

40,000yen(Limited to 10 people)
Voice Recording & Signed Alarm Clock Plan:
・Thank-You Video Message with the User's Name
・Behind-the-scene photos x5 (digital copy)
(An email will be sent to your My Page.)
・1 Limited Edition Cover Photo Book
・1 Signed Polaroid
・Backer’s name will be credited as special thanks
・Invitation to the Delivery Event(A weekend in either January or February 2025, in Tokyo)
・At the venue, you'll receive a signed photo book, a 2-shot photo, and a 15-second individual photo session.
(Please note that there will be no interpreter at the venue on the day, so we ask for the attention of supporters coming from overseas.)
・Alarm Clock with Personalized Voice Recording Using Your Credit Name
(For overseas supporters who cannot attend the handing-over event, an additional shipping fee of 5,000 yen for the photo book will be required.)

■60,000円 限定20名様【オフ会1部 打ち上げプラン 120分】

・オフ会打ち上げにご招待(1月or2月の土日 都内)

60,000yen(Limited to 20 people)
120-Minute Celebration Plan:
・Thank-You Video Message with the User's Name
・Behind-the-scene photos x5 (digital copy)
(An email will be sent to your My Page.)
・1 Limited Edition Cover Photo Book
・1 Signed Polaroid
・Backer’s name will be credited as special thanks
・Invitation to the Celebration Event(A weekend in either January or February 2025, in Tokyo)
・At the venue, you'll receive a signed photo book, a 2-shot photo, and a 15-second individual photo session.
(Please note that there will be no interpreter at the venue on the day, so we ask for the attention of supporters coming from overseas.)
(If there are more than 10 applicants, the event will be changed to a two-part format.)
(Light snacks and drinks will be provided.)
(For overseas supporters who cannot attend the handing-over event, an additional shipping fee of 5,000 yen for the photo book will be required.)

■80,000円 限定3名様【百永さりなと一緒に麻雀プレイプラン(2時間程度)】
・4人1組で百永さりなと一緒に麻雀(2時間程度)をお楽しみいただけます。(1月or2月の土日 都内)

80,000yen(Limited to 3 people)
Mahjong Play Plan with Sarina Momonaga (Approximately 2 Hours);
・Thank-You Video Message with the User's Name
・Behind-the-scene photos x5 (digital copy)
(An email will be sent to your My Page.)
・1 Limited Edition Cover Photo Book
・1 Signed Polaroid
・Backer’s name will be credited as special thanks
(Please enter the name you would like to be listed in the credits)
・You can enjoy a 2-hour Mahjong session with Sarina Momonaga in a group of 4 people. (A weekend in January or February, in Tokyo)
・At the venue, you'll receive a signed photo book, a 2-shot photo, and a 15-second individual photo session.
(Alcoholic beverages and soft drinks will be provided.)
(This plan is only available for those who understand Japanese.)
(For overseas supporters who cannot attend the handing-over event, an additional shipping fee of 5,000 yen for the photo book will be required.)

■150,000円 限定4名様【愛犬とまわるドッグランデートプラン(1時間半程度)】

・2ショットにてドックラン付カフェトークやお散歩観光(1時間半程度)をお楽しみいただけます。(1月or2月の土日 都内)

150,000yen(Limited to 4 people)

Dog Park Date Plan with Sarina Momonaga's Beloved Dog (Approximately 1.5 Hours);
・Thank-You Video Message with the User's Name
・Behind-the-scene photos x10 (digital copy)
(An email will be sent to your My Page.)
・1 Limited Edition Cover Photo Book
・1 Signed Polaroid
・Backer’s name will be credited as special thanks
・Enjoy a 1.5-hour café chat, dog park visit, and sightseeing with Ms. Momonaga and her beloved dog. (A weekend in January or February, in Tokyo)
・At the venue, you'll receive a signed photo book, a 2-shot photo, and a 15-second individual photo session.
(Please note that you are required to meet and depart at the location. Travel and accommodation costs are not included.)
(A manager will accompany you.)
(The cost of the date is included.)
(Please note that there will be no interpreter at the venue on the day, so we ask for the attention of supporters coming from overseas.)

■200,000円 限定8名様【2ショットサウナデート1時間プラン】

・二人っきりで個室サウナデートをお楽しみいただけます。(1月or2月の土日 都内)

200,000yen(Limited to 8 people)
1-Hour Private Sauna Date Plan for Two;
・Thank-You Video Message with the User's Name
・Behind-the-scene photos x10 (digital copy)
(An email will be sent to your My Page.)
・1 Limited Edition Cover Photo Book
・1 Signed Polaroid
・Backer’s name will be credited as special thanks
・Enjoy a private sauna date for two in a private room. (A weekend in January or February, in Tokyo)
・Get the swimsuit you wore in the sauna as a gift!
・At the venue, you'll receive a signed photo book, a 2-shot photo, and a 15-second individual photo session.
(Please note that you are required to meet and depart at the location. Travel and accommodation costs are not included.)
(A manager will accompany you.)
(Snacks, soft drinks, and water will be provided.)
(Please note that there will be no interpreter at the venue on the day, so we ask for the attention of supporters coming from overseas.)

■400,000円 限定4名様【都内クルージングデートプラン(5時間程度)】
・東京都内にてクルージングディナーorランチデート、カラオケなど5時間程度デートをお楽しみいただけます。(1月or2月の土日 都内)
※ご自身で通訳を用意できる方 、もしくは日本語ができる方限定で海外支援可能です。

400,000yen(Limited to 4 people)
Tokyo Cruising Date Plan (Approximately 5 Hours);
・Thank-You Video Message with the User's Name
・Behind-the-scene photos x10 (digital copy)
(An email will be sent to your My Page.)
・1 Limited Edition Cover Photo Book
・1 Signed Polaroid
・Backer’s name will be credited as special thanks
・Enjoy a 5-hour date in Tokyo, including a cruising dinner or lunch, karaoke, and more. (A weekend in January or February, in Tokyo)
・At the venue, you'll receive a signed photo book, a 2-shot photo, and a 15-second individual photo session.
(Please note that you are required to meet and depart at the location. Travel and accommodation costs are not included.)
(A manager will accompany you.)
(We will decide whether it will be lunch or dinner.)
(For overseas supporters, this plan is limited to those who can prepare their own interpreter or those who understand Japanese.)

■1,000,000円 限定1名様 【一泊二日お泊まりプラン】

・都内近郊の場所で、1泊2日のデートを楽しみましょう!※宿泊部屋は別となります。(1月or2月の土日 都内)
※ご自身で通訳を用意できる方 、もしくは日本語ができる方限定で海外支援可能です。

1,000,000yen(Limited to 1 people)
One-night, two-day accommodation plan;
・Thank-You Video Message with the User's Name
・Behind-the-scene photos x10 (digital copy)
(An email will be sent to your My Page.)
・1 Limited Edition Cover Photo Book
・1 Signed Polaroid
・Backer’s name will be credited as special thanks
(Please enter the name you would like to be listed in the credits)
・Let's enjoy a one-night, two-day date in a location near Tokyo! (Accommodation will be in separate rooms.)
(A weekend in January or February, in Tokyo)
・This plan allows you to enjoy a free date from 12:00 on the day until check-out.(We are planning to visit tourist attractions in Tokyo.)
・Free photography is allowed during the date.
(Participants will meet at the location and disperse from there. Transportation costs from the meeting point, meal expenses, and accommodation fees are included in the price.)
(A manager will accompany you.)
(There may be a need for meetings with the production staff.)
(For overseas supporters, this plan is limited to those who can prepare their own interpreter or those who understand Japanese.)

■1,500,000円 限定1名様【都内挙式プラン】
・都内のどこか(未定)にて、擬似結婚式をしリムジンにてお食事場所へご招待致します。(1月or2月の土日 都内)

(This plan does not accept support from overseas.)

PERSONAL RECOMMEND あなたへのおすすめプロジェクト